This study aimed to assess the level of awareness among secondary school students regarding tennis. The research was conducted using the survey model, which is a type of quantitative research approach. The researcher utilised a demographic information form, along with a tennis sport awareness scale that comprised of three sub-dimensions, as a means of collecting data. The research group comprises 400 students, with 41% being male and 59% being female. The normality distribution of the data was assessed to establish the appropriate statistical approaches for the investigation. Once it was shown that the data exhibited a normal distribution, the statistical techniques of T-test and ANOVA test were selected. Upon examination of the acquired findings, a notable disparity was observed in the tennis awareness of the participants in the cognitive and affective sub-dimensions based on gender, however no significant disparity was observed in the cognitive sub-dimension. The examination of the students' weekly sports practise revealed a substantial disparity in the affective sub-dimension, but no notable disparity in the cognitive and kinesthetic sub-dimensions. The research revealed a substantial disparity in the affective sub-dimension among students based on their school type. However, no significant disparities were seen in the cognitive and kinesthetic sub-dimensions. There was no discernible disparity observed in the cognitive, emotive, and kinesthetic sub-dimensions based on the students' class position. Furthermore, the research findings indicate that secondary school pupils generally possess a low degree of cognitive and psychomotor skills awareness regarding tennis activity, but their affectivity level is somewhat developed.
Sports, tennis, awareness